Media related to our project

Radio & Podcasts

  • Mark participated to the Tech & Science Daily podcast run by the Evening Standard. Listen to Mark here!
  • Pablo was interviewed live on Radio 5 [Spanish]. Listen here: Ciencia con pies de barro
  • Pablo was interviewed by Cadena Ser [Catalan/Spanish]. Download section here (Github link)
  • Pablo participated in the “Fundación Margarita Salas” podcast discussing the scientific publishing current panorama: Link


  • Paolo presented our work in Italian in Milan, at an Open Science conference held at the headquarters of UniMi in September 2013. The webpage of the event is here; and here you find the full video of the conference, including introduction by the Dean of the University of Milan Elio Franzini and by the philosopher Haikel Hosni.


Viaje al lado oscuro de la ciencia [Spanish] - Building on “The Strain” paper, this is a brief comment on all things wrong affecting the current scientific publishing panorama. Published in Malaga´s University magazine, pArAdigmA (volúmen 26, 2024).