Articles, threads, posts… about our paper
Twitter + BlueSky + Mastodon threads
- Mastodon thread by Mark A Hanson
- Twitter thread by Paolo Crosetto
- Twitter thread by Dan Brockington
- Twitter thread by Matthias Egger
- Twitter thread by Andrew Akbashev
- BlueSky thread by Marc Veldohen
Published version
- BlueSky thread by Mark
- Twitter thread by Paolo
- Times Higher Education [EN] - Interviewed Mark and cited Paolo’s earlier work on the decision of JUFO to downgrade most MDPI and Frontiers titles.
- The Economist – England [EN] – Scientific publishers are producing more papers than ever
- Press release - University of Exeter
- Science [EN] - Scienceadviser 16 november 2023
- El País [EN] - Public funds being swallowed up by scientific journals with dubious articles
- Financial Times [EN]- How academic publishers profit from the publish-or-perish culture
- Newswise [EN] - Avalanche of papers could erode trust in science
- [EN] - Avalanche of published academic articles could erode trust in science
- India Education Diary [EN] - The Potential Avalanche of Papers: A Concern for Trust in Science
- Paudal [EN] - The “avalanche” of articles can undermine trust in science, warns a study
- Wall Street Journal [EN] - What’s Wrong With Peer Review?
- Brisbane Times [EN] - We’ve hit peak science, and that’s not good
- Sidney Morning Herlad [EN] - We’ve hit peak science, and that’s not good
- Chemical & Engineering News [EN] - Is the academic social networking site ResearchGate still relevant?
- The Citizen – Tanzania [EN] - Mushrooming academic papers: Researchers’ concern about scientific trust
- – Switzerland [EN] - AI-generated rat genitalia: Swiss publisher of scientific journal under pressure
- Le Monde [FR] article by David Laroussière
- Actualité web [FR] on the INRAE website
- L’Express [FR] - article by Antoine Beau on the Hindawi crisis and shutdown
- L’Express [FR] - long article by Antoine Beau featuring an interview to Paolo on the “Bubble” of scientific publishing.
- Press release [ES] - Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
- El País [ES] - La burbuja de las revistas científicas se traga millones de euros de dinero público
- El País [ES] - Virus en la publicación científica
- La Vanguardia [ES] | Agencia EFE [ES] | Infobae [ES] | Yahoo [ES] | QuéPasa [ES] | MSN|[ES]News ES Euro [ES] | HM TV [ES] | BellerDigital [ES] | Copiroyal [ES] | Minuto 30 [ES] | Portal Político TV [ES] | Canalpaís américa [ES] | El Periódico de México [ES] | CubaSí [ES] | El Nacional [ES] | El Diario | ABC Paraguay [ES] | Listin Diario [ES]: La “avalancha” de artículos puede socavar la confianza en la ciencia, alerta un estudio
- 3CAT [Cat] - Alerten d’una “allau” d’articles científics que es publiquen sense revisar-ne la qualitat
- Outras Palavras [PT] - Os mercadores globais do saber
- NRC [NL] - 2.800.000
- LaborJournal [DE] - Sonderausgaben – Fluch oder Segen?
- [NO] - also translated in English in their sciencenorway English-language website
- In the Dark [EN] – the blog of astrophysicits Peter Coles
- Bishop Blog [EN] - the blog of Dorothy Bishop. Also:
- Revues et Integrité [FR] – the blog of Hervé Maisonneuve – 2023
- Revues et Integrité [FR] – the blog of Hervé Maisonneuve – 2024
- The Blot Report [EN]
- Weekend list of Retraction Watch [EN] - 7/10/2023
- Digital Koans [EN] - Blog of Digital Scholarship
- LSE Impact blog [EN] – a Social Science impact Blog from the London School of Economics
- Scholarly Kitchen [EN] - an article about consolidation in the publishing market cites us for reference
- Scholarly Kitchen [EN] - an article about he rise of AI and the future of scientific publications
- The Brief [EN] - monthly newsletter about scientific publishing by Clarke & Esposito talks about our paper in their “briefly noted” section
- Reasonable people [EN] - the substack blog of Tom Stafford
- Nanoscale views [EN] - the physics blog of Douglas Natelson
- Giuseppe Vizzari’s blog [EN] - Contributing to the public goods game…
- /USR/SPACE [EN] - Michael Rowe’s blog
- Daily Nous [EN] - Philosophers, Should You Pay to Publish Your Paper? by Justin Weinberg
- Frontiers’ Science News [EN] - Bad bibliometrics don’t add up for research or why research publishing policy needs sound science. This is a very critical piece. We explain why it’s incorrect and faulty in our reply here.
- LSE Impact Blog [EN] - Academia can no longer ignore its systemic inter-generational inequality
- Federation of European Biochemical Societies Network [EN] - Beyond the journal: The future of scientific publishing
- International Science Council [EN] - More is not better: the developing crisis of scientific publishing
- Africa at LSE [EN] - We need to put Open Access journals at the heart of academic publishing
- Mesures et démesure de la publication scientifique [FR]
- Desafíos en la Publicación Científica: El Impacto del Crecimiento Exponencial en la Rigurosidad y Calidad [ES] - Blog on Peru newspaper Gestión
- Crooked Timber [EN] – For-Profit Academic Publishers Love LLM Garbage by Keving Munger
- Looking at nothing – Fixing science: a new approach for trust? [EN]
- Quo vadis, Open Access [SI] – from Slovenian media network Metina Lista (Mint leaf)
Online magazines
- ROARS [IT] - the Returns on Academic Research and School website interviewed Paolo on the preprint.
- The Meta News [FR] - access restricted to researchers in French universities and Research Institutes
- SciELO en perspectiva [PT] - Portuguese blog hosting an article by Lilan Nassi-Calo
- Upstrean [EN] - Drinking from the Firehose? Write More and Publish Less